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CURO Symposium 2024

The Microbiology Undergraduate Program had several participants in this years CURO Symposium at the Classic Center.

Best Paper Award for Physical and Environmental Science

Abbey Wilson won the CURO Symposium Best Paper Award for Physical and Environmental Science with her paper titled “Developing Real-Time qPCR Methods for Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Quantification for Application in Wastewater Based Epidemiology.”

Grad Student Career Talk with Dr. Aisha Burton

Career Talk with Dr. Aisha Burton
217, Biological Sciences
Special Information:
Funded by the Graduate Retention and Inclusion Grants
Type of Event:
Dr. Aisha Burton
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Cornell Univeristy

Career Talk with Microbiology Seminar Speaker, Dr. Aisha Burton, on Friday April 19th, at 10 am Biological Sciences Room 217

Dr. Burton will share her career journey, graduate school experiences, and how she became a Provost New Faculty Fellow (2024 - 2026) and an incoming NIH Cornell Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology (2026). Following this talk, we’ll have a Q&A session to get to know our speaker better and get some great advice on grad school and beyond! 

Food and beverage will be catered for this event. Fill out this RSVP form for a headcount:

Regents' Teaching Excellence Award for Department or Program

The Microbiology Undergraduate Program was recently awarded the Regents' Teaching Excellence Award for Department or Program. This award is designed to showcase an outstanding department or program that promotes, supports, and recognizes excellence in teaching and innovative approaches to serving students.

Each faculty and staff member have contributed to the programs success over the last twenty years and therefore have all earned this award. Dr. Jennifer Walker, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, took the initiative to apply for this award.

CURO Symposium

CURO Symposium
The Classic Center
Type of Event:

The annual CURO Symposium highlights excellence in undergraduate research at the University of Georgia by offering an opportunity for students to communicate their research to the broader community.

All undergraduates pursuing faculty-mentored research may apply to present their research at the CURO Symposium. We welcome presentations in all disciplines, from undergraduates in their first years to their last years, who have a lot or just a little experience, whether their status is Honors or non-Honors, and whether or not they have been enrolled in CURO coursework.

We also encourage students to present projects at all stages of completion, from proposal, to in-progress, to finished product.

The 2024 CURO Symposium will be held April 8-9, 2024, at the Classic Center in Athens, Georgia.

Presentations are either a poster or a 10-minute oral presentation. The poster session for all poster presentations will be Monday, April 8, from 4-6 p.m. Oral presentations occur Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9.


Microbiology Department Participants:


Victoria Clifton - Investigation of Mitochondrial Inhibitors for Improved Chemotherapy Against Toxoplasma Gondii

Kevin Richmond - Sequence Polymorphism and the Role of Multiple Copies of the var2csa Gene in Plasmodium falciparum

Connor Norris - Exploring Campylobacter phylogeny using publicly available genomes

Kiana Pillay - Effects of Environmental Parameters on Biodegradation of Malathion

Ayden Mamaghani - Studies into the Metabolic Origins of an Alternative Coenzyme B12 Intermediate, α-ribazole in Salmonella enterica

Maggie Abboud - Examining the role of Helicobacter pylori HP0420 on flagellar motor function

Kayla Dechkampu - Creating Hybrid Strains of Cryptococcus neoformans to Understand Mitochondrial DNA Uniparental Inheritance

Caroline Smith - Probing the role of YggS in PLP homeostasis in Salmonella enterica

Grant Quinn - The Effect of Dark Septate Fungi on Sweet Sorghum Biomass in a Drought Condition

Julian Bolanos - Immunodominance of non-protective Bordetella bronchiseptica antigens contributes to the ineffectiveness of Kennel Cough vaccines

Oral Presentation
Tuesday, April 9, at 12:45 - 2:00 pm, Room H: 
Jayla Andrews - Determining the Effects of Heat Stress on Thyrotropic and Somatotropic Gene Expression in Breast Muscle of Fast and Slow-growing Broiler Lines

Expansion of aromatic compound catabolism in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1: Strategies for the design of modular synthetic pathways

Alyssa Baugh

Expansion of aromatic compound catabolism in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1: Strategies for the design of modular synthetic pathways

404D, Biological Sciences
Type of Event:
Student Seminars
Alyssa Baugh
Neidle Laboratory
UGA Department of Microbiology

Dissertation Defense Seminar by Alyssa Baugh, Neidle Lab.

Dr. Diana Downs to deliver Charter Lecture on March 27, 2024

Dr. Diana Downs

Dr. Diana Downs to deliver Charter Lecture on March 27, 2024

University Chapel
Type of Event:
Dr. Diana Downs
Department of Microbiology

Charter Lecture to feature UGA’s newest Regents’ Professors

Dr. Downs and Dr. Murdie
The university’s 2023-2024 Regents’ Professors are Diana Downs, left, Distinguished Research Professor in the department of microbiology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and Amanda Murdie, right, Georgia Athletic Association Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs and head of the department of international affairs. (Submitted photos)

Two distinguished faculty members at the University of Georgia will discuss their pace-setting research in the fields of microbiology and international affairs during the 2024 Charter Lecture.

Diana Downs, Distinguished Research Professor in the department of microbiology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and Amanda Murdie, Georgia Athletic Association Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs and head of the department of international affairs, will deliver the Charter Lecture at 11 a.m. on March 27 in the University Chapel. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Both Downs and Murdie were named Regents’ Professors this year, an honor bestowed by the University System of Georgia on distinguished faculty whose scholarship or creative activity is recognized both nationally and internationally as innovative and pace-setting.

“Dr. Downs and Dr. Murdie reflect the breadth and quality of research and scholarship at the University of Georgia,” said S. Jack Hu, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost. “They are most deserving of the Regents’ Professorships, and I encourage the university community to take advantage of this opportunity to gain insights from their highly influential work.”

Downs has made transformative contributions to the field of microbiology by using genetic analysis to help solve important biochemical mysteries of bacterial life. A key theme of her research is that pulling one thread of metabolism reveals interconnected threads in unexpected ways. She has published 126 peer-­reviewed papers and her work has been funded through 30 years of continuous grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and industry and private foundations.

Murdie has distinguished herself in the field of international relations as a preeminent scholar on the behavior of international non-governmental organizations. She has published more than 80 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters focusing on topics including human security, human rights, conflict processes and development. Most recently, Murdie won the Karl Deutsch Award from the International Studies Association. This award is widely regarded as the most prestigious in the field of international relations.

Sponsored by the Provost’s Office, the Charter Lecture series was established in 1988 to honor the high ideals expressed in the 1785 charter that made UGA the birthplace of public higher education in America. The event is part of UGA’s spring 2024 Signature Lecture Series.

Requests for accommodations for those with disabilities should be made as soon as possible but at least seven days prior to the scheduled lecture. Please contact Stacia Fink in the Office of the Provost at 706-542-04

Support Microbiology at UGA

The Department of Microbiology appreciates your financial support. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience. Click to read more

Every dollar contributed to the department has a direct impact on our students and faculty.