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Oliver Shey Njila

Lecturer, Griffin Campus

BSc. Animal Science, University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2002

M.Sc. Tropical Animal Health and Production, IMT Antwerp, Belgium,  2004

Ph.D. Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia, 2019

Regulation of bacterial cell envelope biosynthesis

Dr. Kate Hummels
S175, Coverdell Building
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
Dr. Kate Hummels
Department of Microbiology
University of Georgia

Keynote Speaker for the MIBO/ILS Welcome Retreat. 


Gram negative bacteria are characterized by a multi-layered cell envelope with an inner membrane made up of phospholipids, a cell wall composed of peptidoglycan, and an asymmetric outer membrane with phospholipids in the inner leaflet and lipopolysaccharide in the outer leaflet. Although the metabolic pathways responsible for building the cell envelope are well characterized, little is known about how these pathways are coordinated to ensure uniform cell envelope expansion. Work in my lab is aimed to understanding how gram-negative bacteria regulate cell envelope biosynthesis to promote balanced growth, with a focus on the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Using a combination of bacterial genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology, we seek to identify and characterize novel factors involved in cell envelope biosynthesis with the hope of discovering new targets for antimicrobial development while answering basic questions in bacterial physiology.

Chelsey VanDrisse

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ph.D (2018) University of Georgia

Research Interests:

Molecular Genetics

Research Interests:

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the leading causes of chronic infections due to its ability to form robust, antibiotic tolerant biofilms. It is therefore imperative to better understand bacterial physiology in order to discover new ways to dismantle biofilms and clear infections. Some questions we seek to answer include: 1. What is the chemical environment of chronic wounds and how does nutrient availability influence biofilm formation? 2. What are the regulatory requirements for biofilm formation and dispersal (with a focus on the process of acetylation) and 3. How can we take advantage the information we learn in our research to develop novel drugs for chronic infections?

Kate Hummels

Assistant Professor

The bacterial cell envelope is critically relevant to human health. Not only is the cell envelope the interface used by bacteria to interact with their environment (such as the human host), but it also remains one of our best targets for antibiotics. While the biosynthetic enzymes responsible for building the cell envelope have been well characterized, we know very little about the factors involved in controlling cell envelope production and homeostasis. In the Hummels lab, we use a combination of genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology to investigate the regulation of cell envelope biosynthesis and maintenance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is infamous for antibiotic resistance. By better understanding the players involved in these essential processes, we hope to identify new targets for therapeutic development.

Coordination of outer membrane and cell wall biosynthesis. Gram-negative bacteria, such as P. aeruginosa, are characterized by a multi-layered cell envelope consisting of an inner membrane, a cell wall made up of peptidoglycan (PG), and an asymmetric outer membrane with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) comprising the outer leaflet. Both the LPS and PG biosynthetic pathways utilize the essential cell envelope precursor UDP-GlcNAc, but how it is appropriately partitioned to support optimal cell envelope expansion is poorly understood. A major focus in the Hummels lab is to investigate the regulatory strategies involved in balancing use of UDP-GlcNAc between the competing but essential LPS and PG metabolic pathways


B.S. Microbiology, 2013, University of Iowa
Ph.D. Microbiology, 2019, Indiana University
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2019-2023, Harvard Medical School

Selected Publications:

See our papers on PubMed here!

Biology Education Researcher Candidate Seminar

Dr. Qi Cui

Innovating Graduate and Undergraduate Education

404D Biological Sciences Building
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
Dr. Qi Cui
UC San Diego

Dr. Qi Cui is a candidate for the Biology Education Researcher position in the Department of Microbiology. This seminar highlights aspects of research they would bring to the university as well as the benefits that would come to other departments the position is associated with. 

Abstract or other information:
Cui Abstract (208.39 KB)

Biology Education Researcher Candidate Seminar

Dr. Robert Erdmann

The role of education data science in crafting a more welcoming and inclusive academy

404D Biological Sciences Building
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
Dr. Robert Erdmann
University of Minnesota-Rochester

Dr. Robert Erdmann is a candidate for the Biology Education Researcher position in the Department of Microbiology. This seminar highlights aspects of research they would bring to the university as well as the benefits that would come to other departments the position is associated with.  

Abstract or other information:
Erdmann Abstract (192.14 KB)

Kevin Riedmuller Receives NSF's Graduate Research Fellowship

The Microbiology Department is pleased to announce that Kevin Riedmuller has been selected to receive the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing a research-based masters or doctoral degree.

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Every dollar contributed to the department has a direct impact on our students and faculty.