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Advances in riboregulation: unraveling new mechanisms promoting small RNA stability and function in bacteria

Dr. Dhriti Sinha
404D, Biological Sciences
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
Dr. Dhriti Sinha
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School

Part of the Department of Microbiology Fall Seminar Series

Seasonal Changes in the Diversity of Nonextremophilic Archaea and their Influence on Aquatic Systems

Dr. Tolar
404D, Biological Sciences. This special Alumni Seminar is given in honor of Dr. Juergen Wiegel and co-sponsored by MGSA.
Special Information:
Special Alumni Seminar in honor of Dr. Juergen Wiegel and co-sponsored by MGSA.
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
Dr. Bradley Tolar
Department of Biology & Marine Biology
University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Part of the Deparment of Microbiology Fall Seminar Series and co-sponsored by MGSA. This special Alumni Seminar is given in honor of Dr. Juergen Wiegel. The winner of the 2022 Dr. Juergen Wiegel Graduate Award in Microbiology will be announced at the seminar. Dr. Tolar will be holding a career discussion with Microbiology Graduate Students, watch your email for sign up information.

Dr. Juergen Wiegel joined the UGA Biochemistry Department as a postdoc in 1977, and he joined the faculty of the UGA Department of Microbiology in 1982.  He became an established international authority on thermophilic anaerobes and earned the 2007 Bergey’s award.  Dr. Wiegel’s research resulted over 230 publications and three US Patents, but his scientific legacy also lives on through the countless graduate students he trained in his lab, in his graduate teaching in presentation skills and microbial diversity & physiology.


Purely Lamarckian ‘evolution’ by bacteria to survive exposure to a lethal stressor

Dr. Chris Marx
404D, Biological Sciences. Special Alumni Seminar sponsored by MGSA.
Special Information:
This seminar is sponsored by MGSA.
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
Dr. Chris Marx
University of Idaho

Microbiology Department Fall Seminar Series. This seminar will be hosted by MGSA and given by Dr. Chris Marx, University of Idaho. Dr. Marx will attend a special luncheon with interested Microbiology Graduate Students.

Biomining – Critical Minerals Recovery Using Microorganisms

Dr. Brigmon
404D, Biological Sciences
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
Dr. Robin Brigmon
Savannah River National Laboratory
UGA Dept of Microbiology

Biomining – Critical Minerals Recovery Using Microorganisms

Rare earth elements (REEs) are essential to many high-tech devices, and thus are of critical and strategic importance. Our goal is to develop cost-effective, environmentally friendly technologies for bioextracting and bioaccumulating REEs from several kinds of rocks and minerals. Microbes tested for bioextraction included Cupriavidus basiliensis SRS, a bacterium isolated from the Savannah River Site (SRS). When bastnaesite was inoculated with C. basiliensis SRS, extraction of REEs such as cerium (Ce), lanthanum (Ln), and neodymium (Nd) was significantly higher (>20 ppb) than for other cultures. Siderophores were identified as a potential biomining mechanism. Next-generation sequencing of 16S rRNA genes was used to monitor microbial population changes associated with biomining. C. basiliensis SRS, when added to mining material, dominated 99% of the microbial population. C. basiliensis SRS sorbed >90% Ce and Ln from solution over controls in biosorption studies. It was demonstrated that C. basiliensis SRS can bioextract select REEs from mined materials at ppm concentrations when combined with heat treatment. C. basiliensis SRS also successfully extracted Uranium (U) and Nickel (Ni) from contaminated SRS stream sediments. C. basiliensis SRS genome annotation reveals numerous putative proteins responsible for metal acquisition and homeostasis. Further studies of bioremediation, bioextraction, and molecular characterization are ongoing to understand and develop biomining strategies.

MIBO/ILS Welcome Retreat 2022

Welcome Retreat 2022 Itinerary
Tate Center Reception Hall
Type of Event:
Department Seminars
UGA Dept of Microbiology

The Microbiology Department is hosting an orientation/information session for ILS students on Friday, September 9, 2022. The event kicks off with a keynote talk by Dr. Courtney Ellison at 1:00 pm. Additional recruiting faculty will give short research talks followed by a Q & A session. Following the faculty research talks there will be a graduate student poster session. ILS students are welcome to attend the entire event or drop in at any time. Please contact for additional information.

Support Microbiology at UGA

The Department of Microbiology appreciates your financial support. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience. Click to read more

Every dollar contributed to the department has a direct impact on our students and faculty.