At the end of the semester, you will be submitting your research report for the project you spent the semester working on. A draft will be due on the final day of classes. The final paper submission will be on the final day of finals. To fulfill credit for the directed research course: Finalize your research paper. See the MIBO Paper Guidelines here. Have your research mentor use this grading rubric to assess your paper (note: rubric not required). Submit at least a full draft of your paper to this link, MIBO Directed Research draft submission by 11:59 pm on the last day of class for the semester you are registered. Final draft of the research paper must be submitted to this link, MIBO Directed Research final submission by 11:59 pm on the last day of finals. Additionally, have your faculty mentor submit the online PI/mentor signature page to the department. If you are taking MIBO 4980R, you can alternatively submit an assessment from your faculty mentor for an oral presentation or submit a poster presentation as evidence of fulfillment for the course. This must be turned in by 11:59 pm on the last day of finals.