Christian Keggi, Caitlin Reeves, Julie Stoudenmire and Zachary Saylor (pictured left to right) were recently honored for their superior contributions to teaching. Christian, Caitlin and Zachary each received a 2016 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, while Julie received a 2016 Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Award. All of these students received excellent student and faculty evaluations in their teaching assignments. Christian is a Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Dr. Joy Doran-Peterson, and has been a teaching assistant for Introductory Microbiology Laboratory (MIBO3510L) and Microbiology and Health Care Laboratory (MIBO2500L). Caitlin is a Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Dr. Duncan Krause, and has been a teaching assistant for MIBO2500L. Zachary is a Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Dr. Rob Maier and has been a teaching assistant in MIBO3510L, and was the instructor for MIBO3510L for the spring 2016 semester. The Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Award is a particularly significant accomplishment since no more than 5 are awarded each year from among the more than 600 graduate students serving as teaching assistants across the university. Julie is a Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Dr. Eric Stabb. Julie has been a teaching assistant for a couple of Microbiology laboratory courses, and has also been the instructor for Introductory Microbiology (MIBO3500) and is currently teaching an online version of the course (MIBO3500E).